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Закон специфически запрещает гражданам повреждать, разбивать или разрушать чужие пивные фляги или бутылки.

RCW 19.76.110
Refilling bottles, etc. -- Forbidden.

It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person or persons hereafter, without the written consent of the owner or owners thereof, to fill with ale, porter, lager beer or soda, mineral water or other beverages, for sale or to be furnished to customers, any such casks, barrels, kegs, bottles or boxes so marked or stamped, or to sell, dispose of, buy or traffic in, or wantonly destroy any such cask, barrel, keg, bottle or box so marked, stamped, by the owner or owners thereof, after such owner or owners shall have complied with the provisions of RCW 19.76.100. Any person or persons who shall violate any of the provisions of RCW 19.76.100 through 19.76.120 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined five dollars for each and every cask, barrel, keg, or box, and fifty cents for each and every bottle so by him, her or them filled, bought, sold, used, trafficked in or wantonly destroyed, together with costs of suit for first offense, and ten dollars for each and every cask, barrel, keg and box and one dollar for each and every bottle so filled, bought, sold, used, trafficked in, or wantonly destroyed, together with the costs of suit for each subsequent offense.

[1897 c 38 § 2; RRS § 11547.]