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Запрещается появляться на берегу местной реки будучи одетым в спасательный жилет. Нарушитель будет немедленно арестован.

Логика такова: в реке запрещено не только купаться но и кататься на лодках и катерах. Наличие спасательного жилета на гражданине рассматривается как свидетельство его намерения покататься на лодке - т.е. нарушить закон.

Listing 10.19.010 Swimming in River.

A. No person may intentionally enter, swim, dive, or float, with or without a boat, raft, craft, or other flotation device, in or upon the water of the Spokane River at any point between the east line of the Division Street bridge and the west line of the Monroe Street Bridge.

B. The chief of police may, in accordance with procedures and criteria the chief may from time to time prescribe, grant permits for a person or persons to be in that portion of the Spokane River known as the forebay, being the south channel between Havermale Island and the south bank.

C. The fact that a person is wearing or in possession of swimming, diving, or flotation gear or equipment on the bank of the river in the prohibited portion is sufficient ground for an arrest for attempt under this section and shall be prima facie evidence of intent.

Ord. C-29692, Effective Date: 5/30/1990. Passed On: 4/30/1990